Premium Greek Wines Re-designed by Kommigraphics

In this project, Kommigraphics studio re-designed all seven labels for the premium wines range of Glinavos Domaine; namely ‘Aspra Chomata’, ‘Vlachiko’, ‘Traminer’, ‘Primus Zitsa’, ‘Red Velvet’ and ‘Dryades’. The result is great design, premium wines and an EVGE award plus a distinction.
“Aspra Chomata” is a label named after the homonymous vineyards in Zitsa, Ioannina (GR), whose cultivation on calcareous soil gives a unique character and clarity to the resulting product. The creative objective was to convey the idea of the white soils in minimal, elegant terms, while at the same time create a strong, memorable product identity in the premium white wines category. In terms of production process, the bottles are circumferentially silkscreen printed (one colour, white).

The design received a Merit at the EVGE 2014 design awards.
‘Vlachiko’ is a Greek adjective referring to folklore tradition. The wine is produced by blending two Greek grape varieties: vlahiko and bekari. The creative result is a combination of motifs seen on traditional handiworks of the region. Despite the digital nature of its design, it was created so that the joints and general form of the lines resemble a traditional loom’s embroidery. The four colors used represent the dominant palette of Ioannina’s traditional handiworks. Serif typography, simple as it is, compliments and supports this ‘digital handiwork’. ‘Vlachiko’ was awarded at the EVGE 2014 design awards.
